There are many ways in which fish reproduce, but most fish lay a large number of small eggs. Angelfish also lay eggs in order to reproduce.
In regards to the Angelfish laying eggs process, there is a lot of information that you need to know so that you can provide and care for them in the best way. That’s why in this article I will provide you with 6 important things or 6 common questions people usually wonder about angelfish laying eggs.
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Where Do Angelfish Lay Eggs?
If you have an angelfish in your aquarium, you might find that it can lay eggs anywhere in your tank. However, some places will be good for laying eggs, while other places will be poor options.
As a general rule, angelfish tend to seek out hidden places to lay their eggs. An instinct drives them to lay eggs in a location that will make it easier to keep them safe.
In the wild, angelfish often choose to lay eggs on the aquatic plants’ leaves. In the event that you have aquatic plants in your aquarium, it is likely that you will see angelfish taking advantage of those spots.
Placing live plants with large leaves in the fish tank would be a good idea. Angelfish will have a perfect place to lay their eggs, and the males will be comfortable fertilizing the eggs there.

When eggs are positioned in the open, the male angelfish may be a bit wary of fertilizing them. Maybe that is because they do not feel it is a safe environment for them to fertilize.
Female fish may sometimes lay eggs in the wrong places in the fish tank. For example, there are instances when female angelfish lay their eggs directly on the filter and the heater.
How Often Do Angelfish Lay Eggs?
There has been a study that researched the breeding intervals of the angelfish. The researchers distinguished between older and younger females (those over and those under 1.5 years of age). Researchers measured the spawning frequency of 204 females.
They found that older females breed every 12 days, while younger females breed every 18 days.

This may seem like a very long breeding frequency, but it’s important to remember that many things are happening during this period.
The male and female angelfish pair up first. They then choose where to spawn. They will begin to lay eggs once they have located a suitable surface. A female angelfish will lay eggs repeatedly and may produce up to hundreds of eggs per cycle. In the meantime, the male will go toward the eggs and continue to fertilize them.
About three days later, the eggs should hatch. If the fertilization had failed, the eggs would typically turn white, and the process would have to be repeated. As opposed to this, if they hatch, their parents will now take care of the fry.
In either case, the female will maintain her breeding intervals, and she is likely to lay eggs again in about 12 to 18 days.
It must be noted that the process above is only implemented when the conditions are ideal for the angelfish. There can be many obstacles to breeding fish on your own.
For example, if you choose an angelfish pair that hasn’t matured yet, it could take months for them to even begin breeding. Therefore, following the steps below will enable you to reduce the breeding intervals of your angelfish pair.
How Do Angelfish Lay Eggs?
Generally, a female angelfish will lay eggs when it is time for her to do so. Generally, if you have a male and a female in a fish tank, you’ll observe them start cleaning up a specific tank area.
It’s their way of preparing the egg-laying area. Cleaning can take an entire day.
Once the spawning site is ready, the female angelfish will begin spreading her eggs in a row. The male will then follow behind and brush over the eggs to fertilize them.
The above is the basic process of how angelfish lay eggs. You can assist the angelfish by providing them with good places to lay eggs in their tank,
Will Angelfish Lay Eggs Without Male?
Yes, female angelfish are capable of producing eggs without a male angelfish. However, without a male angelfish, the eggs would not be fertilized. Eggs without a male angelfish will not conceive, will die, and grow a white fungus.
The female will start producing eggs once she has formed a pair with the male, which means the female is ready to mate with the male.
However, a female can also produce eggs and lay them when the time is right. When you have only two female angelfish and no male angelfish living in an aquarium, you might still be able to see both of them laying eggs n
However, it will not be possible for the eggs to hatch if a male is not present in the tank. It means that if a male is not present to fertilize the eggs, then the eggs wind up just being inert.
The female is very likely to eat the eggs at some point. Other fish may also eat the eggs.
How To Tell If An Angelfish Is Ready To Lay Eggs?
You might have been surprised when you found eggs in your aquarium because you did not realize when a female angelfish is ready to lay eggs. The following signs will let you know that your angelfish is ready to spawn.
The first sign you will notice when your female Angelfish is ready to lay eggs is her protruding belly. Whenever the female Angelfish is full of eggs (roe), the belly of the fish starts to grow large. They are ready to spawn once their belly is full of eggs.
Looking at their bodies from above, you can easily recognize their protruding belly. Their belly pops out from the side, showing you a visible sign that they are pregnant.

Another notable sign is the inactivity and laziness of the female angelfish. They are not as active as they used to be. Their laziness is probably because they are full of eggs and are trying to be careful when carrying them.
A female Angelfish shows signs of aggression towards other tank mates. They may become very territorial and protective. You will also notice that the angelfish constantly tries to tidy up particular areas in the aquarium tank. By cleaning these areas, the Angelfish can use them as spawning spots for the future.
They began pairing up as well. When the male and female Angelfish are ready, they pair up to fertilize the eggs while the female does the laying. Angelfish ready for spawning will groom each other as they prepare for spawning.
What Should I Do When Angelfish Laying Eggs On Filter And Heater?
You probably already know that the filter isn’t the best place to lay eggs. The eggs or the fry will likely be sucked into this filter. Due to this situation, you might be wondering whether you should try to move them. It may be technically possible to try to move the eggs, but it will obviously not be easy. Angelfish enthusiasts say that the eggs are nearly impossible to move or that moving them would harm them.
If you cannot move the eggs away from the filter, you may be able to rely on the angelfish. An angelfish is capable of moving the eggs, and they can probably move the eggs to a safer place before any harm is done to them.
But there is no guarantee that they will do so. Choosing this approach means you are leaving everything up to chance.
Encouraging Angelfish to Lay Eggs in Safe Spots
Angelfish usually lay their eggs on vertical surfaces, so you should provide them with an alternative. It would be a good idea to introduce breeding slates or Amazon swords, which have vertical leaves that are perfect for laying eggs. PVC pipes would also work well.
Additionally, you may want to obstruct the heater and filter with something or move them.
How many eggs does an angelfish lay?
Several factors affect the number of eggs that can be laid by an angelfish, including the water conditions, how healthy the fish are, and how many fish are present in the tank. Generally, an angelfish lays between 100 and 1000 eggs each time it lays.
Does the male or female angelfish guard the eggs?
Their eggs are jealously guarded by both angelfish. The fish can show aggression towards other fish in a community tank or even their own mate. While this is going on, you should keep an eye on the fish in your tank to figure out if any of them need to be separated temporarily.
I have given you some of the important things you need to keep in mind when you have angelfish laying eggs in your aquarium. By keeping these in mind, you will be able to provide them with the proper conditions for them to lay eggs and get good results from them.

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.