Banded killifish aquarium is one of the interesting features that many aquarists are interested in.
The banded killifish is a fascinating species of killifish primarily found in freshwaters across North America.
It is a fascinating freshwater species of killifish that thrives in the environment.
In taxonomy, it is classified as a species of Fundulus, and in science, that species is known as Fundulus diaphanus.
As for the debate that has nothing to do with fishkeepers, that is somewhat irrelevant.
Almost all of the fishkeeping enthusiasts throughout the world are in awe of the banded killifish for the reasons listed above.
You can keep them in your tank because they are perfect for beginners since they are easy to care for if you read before putting them in the tank.
As a result, for a beginner to have any chance of successfully keeping this fish, the owner must have some experience with small freshwater fishes.
Dimensions Of The Banded Killifish
There are a number of fishes that have the size of shoals that range in length from 3.93 to 5.11 inches in length. It is more common for female fishes to be bigger than male fishes.
The smaller size of the fish makes them want to travel in schools in order to avoid being preyed upon by other fish.
Young fish reside in shoals of 8-12 individuals in their wild habitat, whereas the adults live in small shoals of 3-6 individuals.
In spite of the fact that they make up the shoal and that they only escape predation by doing so, the behavior of the fish does not enhance their feeding ability.
In addition to that, as long as they are not threatened for any further period of time, hungry individuals isolate themselves from the shoal to forage for food.

Anatomy Of A Banded Killifish
Regardless of their amazing color patterns, banded killifish have a vivid olive-yellow body color with vivid patterns.
Having compact heads and small mouths adapted to feeding on surfaces, they have slim and extended bodies, with small heads and slim extended bodies.
There is a special feature of their appearance about the bands that define them as Banded killifishes, and that is the presence of vertical stripes or bands along the flattened sides of the fishes.
The male and female bands also serve as a means of identifying females from males. There is a large difference between males and females in the pattern of thick and dark banding.
In fact, the males are different from the females, as they have pale-grey bands that are tightly packed together, increasing the brightness of the males.
The anal and dorsal fins of the banded killifish are rayed. Their slender bodies and short fins make them particularly adept at navigating the water.
Inhabitat Of Banded Killifish
These fish can live in both freshwater and brackish environments, as we already know that they can adapt to either of these environments.
However, their main natural habitats are the freshwaters of North America which include a wide range of freshwater bodies, as mentioned in the introduction section earlier.
Since we know these fish naturally live in freshwaters, we can start to map their habitat as well.
It is therefore important to understand what exactly their natural habitat offers or which part of freshwater bodies the banded killifish prefers in regard to their natural habitat.
In areas rich in vegetation such as lakes, ponds, and rivers, they prefer quiet areas where the water does not move much in motion.
As they are dependent on vegetation for shelter, they can seek refuge in the plantation if they feel threatened.
This lake has a muddy, sandy, and gravelly bottom, which allows juvenile fish to hide in the mud, and, as a result, hide from predators.
Because they are relatively average swimmers, most adults do not dive to greater depths to gather food so they do not perform greater depth diving when feeding themselves. In fact, if they are in a deep hole, they usually do not go deeper than that.
Treatment For Banded Killifish
It is crucial that you maintain the tank set up in your home aquarium so that the banded killifish can live in a similar environment to their natural home, but you also need to provide them with a stable food source so that they feel at home.
As they are hardy plants, you will not have a problem taking care of them. Although, you will need guidance and direction if you are new to this hobby, especially if you are a beginner.
There is also a difference in the amount of care you will have to take according to whether you keep them in a specific tank or in a shared tank. Beginners are advised to keep a pair of them separately in the tank when they are first learning.
Please make sure you make sure they have a sufficient amount of submerged vegetation or roots to provide them with enough shelter to make them feel at home.
It is also imperative to provide optimal water conditions as part of their ongoing care, and the type of tank you place them in and the other fish they are in is a direct indicator of the level of care they need.
It is possible to house them in both fresh and brackish water tanks and they require different tank conditions for each.
Despite this, the fish are predominantly freshwater fish, and our recommendation is then to keep them in a tank with fresh water.
If you want to keep the level of nitrates at a minimum, you should carry out a 10% water change every week. Following is a list of the optimal conditions for banded killifish found in various environments.
Temperature And Conditions

It is a great choice for anyone who wants to keep a temperate freshwater fish at any temperature between 70-75 °F and they will thrive. For this range of operation to be maintained, a thermoregulatory action, which is provided by the temperature regulator, is required.
Despite the fact that the pH ranges between 6.5 and 8.5, these fish are able to survive. Therefore, it is not uncommon for them to inhabit both freshwaters as well as brackish waters. As these are predominantly freshwater species, it is best to maintain the pH level of their tanks at between 6.5-and 7.
Water hardness
The hardness of water from 120 to 160 ppm is suitable.
Diet Of The Banded Killifish
In this section, we will look at what both the wild and aquarium fish eat and what combinations of food are available for aquarists to fulfil the fish’s nutritional needs.
How Frequently Should I Feed My Fish and How Much Should I Feed Them?
Compared to other types of fish, banded killifish are mostly carnivorous. Their natural habitats are near dense vegetation where there is plenty of food available to them in order to satisfy their nutritional needs.
They also feed on other tiny organisms like mollusks, snails, and other many other types of tiny organisms. Along with insects and crustaceans, they also eat a range of microorganisms.
During their early stages, Asian tarantulas feed predominantly on copepods and larvae, which in this case are mostly midge, mosquito, and midge fly larvae.
We need to ask ourselves now: what is the best type of diet for fish in the home aquarium? What would you suggest as a balanced diet?
We need to ask ourselves these questions because the answer may not be so simple.
In this case, there is a slight complication as opposed to many other tropical fishes and subtropical creatures, for example, the banded killifish doesn’t seem to accept commercially prepared food products such as flakes.
This may sound similar to the behavior of newly-acquired fish, but it is not the case.
In fact, as you point out, you are absolutely right, but we have to keep in mind that most killifish species need live food.
Neither of these can be shifted to get them used to the commercial flakes or other carnivore foods if they wish to get used to them.
It is important to consider the following steps when trying to make certain your animals receive nutritious feed without allowing parasitic infection to proliferate.
Taking note of this, let us note that when it comes to variety, it is always ideal and adds to the nutritional value.
Guidelines For Feeding

There is no question that brine shrimp is among the best sources of nutrition for banded killifish, primarily because they are full of vitamins.
As well as live brine shrimps you can also use frozen brine shrimps for your seafood recipe.
In order to keep the banded killifish alive, there needs to be an excellent food source for these worms, but they may also harbor diseases if they carry parasites.
It is possible to remove any possible parasites by running them under cold tap water. This will make them ready to be fed.
Black and white worms: Although white worms are fast-paced in grocery stores, black worms, due to their low-fat content, are more common in the stores.
Providing your banded killifish with mosquito larvae is an excellent way to provide the right treatment for it. This fish tends to overeat mosquito larvae. You should make sure that you do not overfeed the fish.
The Ideal Aquarium For The Banded Killifish
Tank Size
In order to ensure that the banded killifish is kept in its ideal aquarium, it must include an adequate amount of space, shelters, and optimal water conditions.
If you’re wondering what the best tank size can be to accommodate the banded killifish, then it might be a good idea to check out the following table.
Therefore, a tank of 20 gallons is the minimum recommended size for a pair of banded killifish, and the size of a tank will vary according to the number or number of fish in a school or shoal.
I think it would be better if the tank was longer than it was wide. It is important that you ensure you are not placing males together with females or vice versa. It is strongly recommended you go with at least 4 people of which three should be women.
Tank Setup
We already discussed earlier that the setup needs to be a replication of the fish’s natural habitat, to do this, we need to recreate the artificial habitat.
The best way to keep the killifish tank happy is to fill it with suitable aquarium plants, mainly floating plants.
The fish will feel very at home in this environment. Also, in addition to rocks, you may want to add wood to make crevices where the birds can nest.
You can also use the roots from floating plants; however, rocks will add a more natural appearance to your killifish tank. The perfect way to provide a ground surface would be to mix sand and gravel.
Tank Mates: Banded Killifish

Keeping in mind that banded killifish are shoaling fish, and that putting them in a shoal would be most beneficial for the fish, we have already discussed that previously.
This lightweight fish will have no trouble handling Shoal, which will help reduce stress levels. Shoals are generally peaceful and adapt to living in a community.
If you have an aquarium at home, you can easily breed them with a number of friendly and small aquatic species. There are some recommended tank mates for banded killifish that you should consider
- Danios
- Tetras
- Small catfish species
- Rainbows
How To Breed A Banded Killifish
When you get them to breed in the tank, you will need to make sure that they are kept under breeding conditions that are exactly like what they would experience in their natural habitat.
We have discussed in detail earlier how they live in the wild near dense vegetation, which provides them with shelter and food.
Additionally, our previous discussion of how they use leaves and root surfaces of plants to stick their eggs to assisted us in explaining what they do.
As a consequence, it is important to know what the conditions for spawning are that you should provide.
The best thing you can do is to have one male individual in your aquarium if you are trying to get a shoal of two males who cannot compromise for whatever reason, they will end up fighting irretrievably they would end up in irreversible fighting.
Further, the spawning temperature for these fish is between 21 and 23 0C, a temperature that needs to be maintained basically.
You probably already know that plants are extremely important to these fish. Well, I guess that’s enough for now.
Facts About The Banded Killifish
There are a few facts about banded killifish that are worth highlighting, which are highlighted in the bullet points below.
The killifishes are endemic to North America, which makes them the only species of their kind.
In addition to living in freshwater and brackish water, the banded killifish is also able to live in saltwater.
Especially in areas densely populated with vegetation such as those along lakes, ponds, and rivers with slow-moving waters.
Muddy bottoms are better for them because vegetation grows to a greater extent on muddy surfaces.
Video About Banded Killifish Aquarium
How much food do banded killifish eat?
In addition to eating small insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and other small organisms, Banded Killifish also love to eat small worms.
There is a big need for copepods and larvae of mosquitoes and midge fly larvae for the young nymphs to make sure they eat well.
Does banded killifish eat snail?
However, the banded killifish are surface feeders. Their mouths are upturned, and their upturned lips are adapted to feeding directly on the surface. Their mouths are upturned, and their upturned lips are adapted to feeding anywhere in the water.
This fish will get scared if something threatens it and will dive deeply into the water to escape. Since they are carnivorous, beings such as snails would not be an exception to the rule as they would eat anything that would fit into their mouths.
What do banded killifish aquariums usually need?
It is important that the killifish tank is planted with suitable aquarium plants, mainly floating plants. Among these plants, the killifish will feel more at home.
There is also the possibility of adding rocks and wood to create crevices for them so that they can hide.

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.