Did you know hermit crabs can give birth? Well, hermit crab pregnant is not an easy task. Hermit crabs are hermit crabs, but hermit crab pregnant are hermies!
If you’re looking for more information on hermits and their babies, then this blog is the place to be. We’ll cover all of your questions about Hermite pregnancy including how do they mate? How long does it take them to produce offspring? What happens when there are too many hermies in one tank?
See also:
- How Many Hermit Crabs Per Gallon? (4 Questions To Decide)
- Do Hermit Crabs Eat Coral? (The Best Diet For Hermit Crabs)
Signs Of Hermit Crab Pregnant
Hermit crabs are difficult to breed due to the necessity for them to grow up in the water and then transition to land. Since males and females of these pets are difficult to tell apart, most pet owners must rely on finding other ways for their hermit’s crabs to reproduce.
It is hard to realize when a hermit crab is pregnant. Hermit crabs tend to stay hidden in their homes. This means that you will easily miss the opportunity to sex the hermies or spot eggs. Hence, in order to find out a female, please look out for two orifices in the mid-section. You will likely notice that the hermit crab is carrying small, berry-like objects on its body which are eggs.
Hermies carry eggs in their protective coatings and keep them until they hatch or decay. Sometimes, though, the eggs never hatch out of the egg mass; this usually happens when hermit crabs don’t mate with another crab. Hermies carrying baby hermies that do not make it to adulthood will hold onto the rotting carcasses for years
You can find out that a hermit crab is pregnant basing on:
Eggs On The Female
Crustaceans, namely hermit crabs, carry eggs on their abdomen that are not visible from the outside at any point. Hermit crabs carrying eggs are called berried females, the reddish and grapevine-like appearance of their eggs.

Fewer Shell Changes
Female hermit crabs near to hatching are seen to make fewer changes in their shells. This behavior prepares them, as the eggs they’re carrying are fragile and need protection from predators.
While some hermit crabs change shells as a pregnancy sign, others do not. It is difficult to tell if the crab is pregnant since there will be no special eggs or genitalia.
Calmer Temperaments
Pregnant hermit crabs will be safe in the shell to which they are accustomed, but if forced to change shells due to size constraints (and this is relatively common because of their small bodies) can cause a pregnant hermit crab to become prickly or fearful and reluctant to shed its old coat. The berried hermit crab will have the following features:
- Less aggressive
- More cautious
If one of your hermit crabs suddenly starts avoiding the shell change, but always manages to do so politely, this is a sign that they are soon going to lay eggs. With that said, it’s easy to overlook this moment because all hermit crabs are quite adept at changing shells quickly.
Breeding And Laying Season
If you suspect a pregnancy, keep track of the days on your calendar. Hermit crabs breed mainly from February to August in captivity. June and July are the months with most likely breeding activity, so watch for any behavioral changes or pregnant females during these two months.
How Long Is A Hermit Crab Pregnant?
Once the male has finished inserting his spermatophore, lasting for roughly 4 weeks, berried females will carry eggs around in their shells. You will know they are ready to hatch when their eggs change from a red or egg-yolk orange color to gray.
In this process, the eggs are released into seawater. When they come in contact with each other, they will break and hatch.
What To Do If Your Hermit Crab Is Pregnant?
Hermit crabs, unlike some other species of crustaceans, are capable of reproducing in captivity. When a male crab successfully passes spermatophores to a female’s eggs, they must simply wait for the eggs to mature before mating can happen again.
However, the eggs will never hatch unless exposed to saltwater. The baby hermit crabs must live underwater and have access to different food sources. This makes captive breeding difficult for hermit crab enthusiasts without experience in raising them in captivity.
When fertilized hermit crab eggs come in contact with seawater, they start to form and release larvae. These rapidly grow before forming a shell on their own, which continues on to:
- Feeding plankton
- Developing and eventually grow large enough to fit into a shell
- Return to land from the ocean
Larval hermit crabs live underwater exclusively during this stage of their development. Gills adapt to sequester oxygen and enable them to return to land when they mature as adults.
The Number Of Offspring Of A Hermit Crab
Hermit crabs usually have just one baby each time an egg is fertilized. The eggs come in twos, and the mother carries them on her back until they change color from a rusty brown to light blue, when then she takes them to have them hatch near water.
Size Matters
Female hermit crabs can lay between 800 to 50,000 eggs at a time. The number of eggs they produce depends on their size. Therefore, larger female hermit crabs usually have the potential to lay more eggs than smaller ones do.

Why So Many?
One reason hermit crabs lay so many eggs is that in the wild they’re at risk of being eaten or dying due to harsh conditions. In order to have a higher chance of survival, their instinct leads them to produce hundreds and thousands of eggs in order for more than one baby crab to survive into adulthood.
Perfect Conditions Required
When you think about the various conditions required for hermit crabs to reproduce and how many of them can go wrong, you will be amazed that these animals exist at all.
In order for hermit crab eggs to hatch, the eggs need seawater. So even a land-dwelling hermit crab needs to make it back to the shore in order to give its future children a fighting chance. Pregnant hermit crabs need water temperatures that are between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure their eggs hatch. When the fry hatched, they would feed on things like brine shrimp until they reach maturity.
Hermit Crab Hatchlings
Newly hatched hermit crabs live underwater and require up to six molts before they reach their adult form. After hatching, baby hermit crabs look similar to small shrimp with relatively large claws that are faintly visible through a thin translucent body. These tiny clawed creatures walk on six stumpy, articulated legs and have an abdomen divided into segments. When baby hermit crabs embark on their land-dwelling phase, they resemble miniature versions of the adults they’ll become.
Captive Breeding
Hermit crabs do their best reproducing in the wild but seldom reproduce successfully in captivity. In order to successfully breed hermit crabs in captivity, it’s vital that you recreate all of the conditions that would be present in nature- all the way from setting your crabs up on a blind date to setting the mood for mating; as well as The hermit crab parents may deposit eggs in a simulated beach and sea. Captive breeding can work if the crabs are kept outside of their native environment, and an indoor saltwater tank is an option, too.
How Do Baby Hermit Crabs Look Like?
Newly hatched hermit crabs look like their shrimp and will have molted up to six times before fully becoming a hermit crab. Newly-hatched baby hermits are ready for a shell when they finally come ashore.
Video: Land Hermit Crabs- Breeding, Eggs, Babies
Can land hermit crabs have babies?
Land hermit crabs which are also called coenobia clypeatus have many stages in their life cycle. The female’s abdomen carries hundreds of eggs for an extended period of time as they mature and then the females hang them over their shell as they grow. When it’s finally time to hatch, males will fertilize embryos at a distance by extending a sperm plug on some sort of stick rafting
Do hermit crabs mate in captivity?
Almost every land hermit crab sold in a souvenir shop or mall has been captured from his or her home in the wild, as land hermit crabs rarely breed in captivity.
Do crabs eat their babies?
Some marine invertebrates spend their larval stage in the plankton. Hungry parents, however, often eat these larvae before they are able to form a protective outer shell–even after recent mothers give birth.
Are crabs born from eggs?
Crabs take their eggs through two weeks of brooding before they hatch, in a yellow-to-brown color change. Crabs hatch as zoea larvae and spend 40 days outside the egg before completing development. They feed by consuming phytoplankton, which are microscopic plants that thrive in saltwater conditions.
How many babies can crabs have?
A female crab can produce up to 100,000 eggs.
What is the baby hermit crab survival rate?
Despite laying hundreds of thousands of eggs at a time, only a fraction will reach adulthood in the wild. In captivity, unnatural conditions and other variables come into play. As a result, parents should expect small numbers–if any–of surviving larvae when breeding hermit crabs in an aquarium.
If your baby hermit crabs survive to adulthood, they can live up to 30 years in captivity. If not, you’ll have ample opportunities to learn about them from fellow keepers on well-established forum communities.
To sum up, hermit crabs are gentle and friendly pets to have. To identify if the crab is pregnant, there are certain methods you can use. For one, pay attention to changes in the crab’s behavior as well as observing any appearance differences. In addition to watching for these signs of pregnancy contained above, it is important to understand what the crab’s lifecycle is so that you are able to be good at judging it.
Hope my article can help you realize if your hermit crab is pregnant and thanks for reading!

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.