Rainbow female betta fish are known to be the world’s most colorful fish to casual aquarium enthusiasts.
Mothers often look down on their male children for their coloration, but they are also favored rather than the female children for the fact they are often physically larger and have more assertive personalities.
The only difference between the male and female fish is the color of the female fish.
Originally found in Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia, the betta fish still shares some characteristics with the originals of Southeast Asia, and though most of the betta fish found in pet stores today are only distantly related to the originals, they still have many aspects in common.
There is a tendency for female betta fish to have simpler coloring and features to their bodies than males.
There have been increasing attempts over the years to increase these differences by breeding, which has resulted in males becoming more and more colored brightly and having long, flowing fins and tails.
Using selective breeding techniques, I was able to breed such traits into a female fish.
How Does A Female Assorted Betta Look Like?
A female betta fish is usually described as being “assorted,” which simply signifies that there are several colours, or types, of fish available for the tank.
The aggressive nature of this species when kept in the same tank can make them difficult to keep together with other betta fish in one tank.
Some aquarium owners still prefer to keep their female bettas in separate tanks because of the aggressive nature of this species when kept in the same tank together.
Yet, despite the fact that betta fish are beautiful, colorful, and anything but boring, the female specimens are a delight.
I have included a list of abbreviations used in the names of fishes:
- CTPK = Crowntail Plakat
- HM = Half Moon
- BF = Butterfly
- HMPK = Half Moon Plakat
- PK = Plakat
A Traditional Yellow Dragon, a variety of Betta with shorter fins, is a variation of the traditional Yellow Dragon.
This is a traditional PK Yellow Dragon Female, a variety of Betta with shorter fins. A variation of this species is sometimes called a short-finned fighter since its fins are short.
These fish are actually bred in certain parts of the world with the aim of fighting against one another. A gill beard that drops below the chin is characteristic of this variety of males, which is usually a bit thicker and bigger.
Women, on the other hand, don’t have this characteristic and tend to be smaller and thinner. A betta fish known as A living fish, also known as a plakat for reference, is from the phrase “fighting fish.” The term also refers to other strains of the fish.
Feminine PK Yellow Dragon

A traditional betta with short fins, this dragon is a variety of yellow-finned plakat yellow. The name ‘short-finned fighter’ is sometimes associated with this variety due to the shorter fins on which they rest.
These fish have actually been bred in certain parts of the world specifically to fight each other.
This variety of animals is heavier and thicker than other relatives, and the beard on the male is larger and longer.
On the other hand, the females are smaller and thinner and lack this characteristic.
A betta fish with the name plakat comes from the Thai word plakad, which means “fighting fish”. Apart from fighting fishes, there are many other kinds of betta fishes out there.
The colorful plakat betta is the result of the combination of a traditional PK Red Dragon Female and Daniella Vereeken.
Because plakats don’t have flowing fins to hinder them from swimming, many of them are more active than the long-finned betta.
Aside from its resistance to disease, it can also be grown in a small aquarium, so it is a favorite among betta collectors and pet owners alike.
Women’s Traditional Red Dragon PK

There is an intense red hue to the plakat betta. In addition, since plakats don’t have their long-finned version of bettas to hold them back, they are more active than their long-finned counterparts.
The resilient nature of this type of betta makes it extremely popular among betta collectors, as well as pet owners.
There is an unusual variety of plakat known as the half moon plakat, and it’s called the turquoise plakat. The half moon plakat has shorter fins, similar to the plakat variety, but the tail is still shaped like a half moon.
This combination of traits leads to the creation of a fish which is still capable of travelling swiftly through the water while also having an ornate, partially flowing tail.
A Female HMPK Turquoise

In addition to the shorter fins that can be seen on plakats, this variety has a half moon-shaped tail, which gives it the name half-moon plakat.
As a result of these traits, a fish is born which has an ornate tail that flows somewhat in the water, yet it can still swim around freely in the water.
This silvery half moon plakat is the progeny of Daniella Vereeken, obviously from HMPK. It has long, pointed, short fins and a tail resembling that of the half moon and characteristic of plakatbettas.
An HMPK is available in a number of colors and can be selected whether it is a male or a female.
In particular, they, as well as other plakats, are popular with pet owners because of their relatively long lifespan among betta varieties.
A Marbled HMPK Female

Half-moon plakats such as this one are silver-brown in color and show off the characteristic longer fins of the typical plakatbetta, along with the tail of the half-moon.
There are various colors that can be chosen from and the HMPK can be bought in either a male or female form.
Pet owners include them in their list of favourites due to their relative durability rather than the short life span of betta varieties.
In her scales, she has a coppery sheen and is one of the most beautiful half-moon plakatbettas available.
A lot of subtle shades of gold and silver come through in this female betta’s metallic sheen, giving her a display of all colors of the rainbow.
Copper Female HMPK

There is a coppery shimmer to the scales of this half-moon plakatbetta. As a whole, she exhibits all the colors of the rainbow in subtle tints amidst her metalized sheen, giving her a beautiful character.
Half-moon bettas are an animal breed developed by American breeder Peter Goettner, and they are known as half-moon bettas.
Unlike plakatand is slightly more difficult to breed, this variety isn’t as aggressive as the plakat. These males have fuller tails than standard females, which have a large span and are shaped like a wavy curve.
On the contrary, the female shows a more conservative tail, with a perky half-moon shape.
Feminine HM Red Dragon

Peter Goettner, an American breeder, was credited with the development of half-moon bettas.
The skin trait of this variety is quite different from the plakatand it is a little more difficult to breed than the plakat.
Females tend to have short tails with a half-moon shape, which is more conservative as can be seen in some females.
I have ever seen a female half-moon butterfly betta named Daniella Vereeken (HM Red BF Female) that has distinctive bands of color on the tail and fins that distinguish one from another.
Amongst this female Red Tang, the darkest tinge appears on her tail and fins, and it goes all the way to the edge of her fins, where a silvery stripe of white appears.
Women’s HM Red BF

Due to the unique coloration pattern on the tail and fins of this bright-red half-moon butterfly betta, it is easily recognized as a butterfly.
In the case of the female shown in this photograph, the darkest tinge begins at the base of the tail and fins, and extends to a band of silvery white at the edges.
Amid the wide range of colors among the females of this species, the Crowntail Plakatis also known as a fringed tail plakat, due to the unique ray-like fins that give the tail the appearance of a crown.
This plakat variety of crowntail is a little different than the full crowntail variety. Like the full crowntail, this green plakat has the typical crown tail but has shorter fins like a typical green plakat.
Multicolor CTPK Female

There is also a crowntail plakat known sometimes as a fringed tail plakat, as the tail is shaped in a manner similar to a crown, thanks to the shape of its fins.
The typical plakat variety has a conventional crown-shaped tail but shorter fins than a full crowntail, with the typical plakat fins being the shorter fins on a full crowntail fish.

It is important to realize that an albino betta has absolutely no pigmentation at all. Albatross bettas typically have white or very light-colored scales and fins as well as pinkish or red eyes.
They are sometimes able to see a faint outline of their muscle tissue and internal organs through their scales.
As their eyes are more susceptible to UV damage, albino animals are at a significant disadvantage, especially in the wild. This is because the UV light from the sun often damages their eyes, leading to blindness and cancer.
Additionally, many of these animals also suffer from other types of mutations and health issues.
It’s a little surprising that albino bettas exist so rarely, that one would almost have to question whether they exist at all.
In most cases, clear/cellophane bottles are reported to be either more popular or actually white bottles.
They have the reputation of being extremely difficult to breed and very hard to successfully raise.

In addition to having a whitish to translucent color to the scales, they also come in a clear or cellophane form.
Sometimes, if you look closely at their scales, you can sometimes see that their muscles and internal organs are pinkish in color.
Fins are typically transparent to opaque, and sometimes even transparent. In most cases, they should have black eyes.
The Ridiculocellophane Betta, on the other hand, does have chromatophores that contain one of the three pigments as opposed to the albino Betta. There is no expression of this trait, so the fish does not appear to be colored vividly.

It is easy to recognize Butterfly Bettas by their solid white bodies and cellophane colouration of their fins.
In higher-quality specimens, you will find there is a very obvious and stark difference between the color of the specimen and the cellophane under it.
In addition, they can show two or three colors on their bodies, and each color can be found on half to one third of their bodies.
The marbled trait can also be transferred to this variety, however, in the world of betta shows it is considered as a bad thing.
Video About The Rainbow Female Betta Fish
Do female bettas have coloration?
Although some female Betta fish are sold as assorted groups in aquariums, the nature of this species makes it difficult to live in the same tank with other females, which is why many aquarium owners prefer to keep female Betta fish in separate tanks.
Although female Betta fish are largely confined to aquariums, they are exquisite, colorful, and anything but boring!
What are the compatibility issues between rainbow fish and bettas?
Probably the most common form of keeping pets as a family includes freshwater fish such as rainbow fish, betta fish, and many other types.
In spite of the fact that they live in similar tank conditions, it is not likely that these two fish will get along very well together despite residing together in a tank.
Bettas are known for their aggressive behavior, while rainbows are calm and relaxed creatures.
How common are pink Bettas?
It is highly unlikely that you will come across one at your local pet store — they are extremely rare and difficult to find.
The skin of some Bettas, like Albinos and Cellophane varieties, is almost transparent, because these Bettas do not contain very much pigment. Thus, the skin of these Bettas is pink.

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.