There are a lot of swordtail fish types in tropical fish tanks. We can see bright and beautiful patterns on the fins of some very rare fish. Keeping swordtails in captivity has led to a wide range of different colors. Below, we show you the top 10 most common swordtail fish species that you will see.
Xiphophorus Helleri (Green Swordtail)

Green Swordtail fish has a wide distribution and can be found in most oceanic and tropical locations, including North and Central America, Mexico, Honduras, and Africa.
They are often olive green with red or brown streaks running down the edges of their leaves. Their tails are medium to long, with elongation in the bottom lobes, and are yellow with black borders on the underside. Women (6.3′) are also somewhat larger than men (5.5′), with a shorter tail and a body that is an inch or two longer.
Recommended aquarium water parameters:
- Temperature: 22-28
- DH Range: 9-19
- pH Level: 7-8
They come in a variety of hues and patterns as a consequence of captive interbreeding, including black, red, and white.
Xiphophorus Montezumae (Montezuma Swordtail)

Its shiny green scales and horizontal sword separate it from other Montezumas. The “sword” of most other species is inclined downward, but the “protrusion” is oriented linearly to the body in a similar fashion.
North-eastern Mexico is where they are most often seen in the wild.
Aquatic habitat water characteristics that are ideal:
- Temperature: 20-26
- DH Range: 10-20
- pH Level: 7-8
Xiphophorus Pygmaeus (Pygmy Swordtail)

There are three horizontal black stripes on the flanks of X. pygmaeus. Their caudal fin has the bottom stripe. The females are light beige.
One and a half inches long, Pygmys are the smallest swordtails.
Central America and Mexico are home to the majority of these species, which are peaceful, fast-flowing waterways.
Aquatic habitat water characteristics that are ideal:
- Temperature: 24-28
- DH Range: 5-18
- pH Level: 7.2-7.8
Xiphophorus Clemenciae (Yellow Swordtail)

Yellow Swordtails get their name not because of the color of their bodies but because of the color of their tails. Blue and having two or sometimes three stripes along its body, the fish looks somewhat stylized.
Yellow swordtails, meantime, are tiny species with a wingspan of approximately 2 inches that may be found in slow-moving streams and rivers.
In aquariums, the following water parameters are most desirable:
- Temperature: 22-26 °C
- DH Range: 3-10
- pH Level: 7.2-8
Xiphophorus Alvarezi (Chiapas Swordtail)

Chiapas Swordtail was given its name since it was first discovered in Chiapas, a Mexican state. Fast-moving rivers are where you’ll find them most often in Chiapas, Mexico, and a few spots in Guatemala.
On top of it, the orange body of the X. alvarezi is speckled with white and green dots. With black edges, the male’s blade is brilliant green. There is also some orange colouring in the females.
Unlike most swordtail fishes, the Chiapas’ females (3.5′) are shorter than their male counterparts (5.9′).
Aquatic habitat water parameters:
- Temperature: 25-28 °C
- DH Range: 10-20
- pH Level: 7.2-8.1
Xiphophorus Cortezi (Delicate Swordtail)

The species can be found in the freshwater of the Rio Panuco basin and the San Luis, Mexico region of Central America. It is colorful, with a variety of patterns and colors.
In addition to the caudal fin and the protrusion, there is also a dorsal fin that has the same color, but it is covered by black spots. They have pale green flanks with vertical stripes.
A female that is less colorful and which contains a black horizontal line is usually an inch longer than a male without this feature. The male measures about 2 inches in length.
Aquarium habitat water parameters:
- Temperature: 24-28 °C
- DH Range: 5-20
- pH Level: 7.5-8.2
Xiphophorus Nigrensis (Panuco Swodtail)

A variety of Panuco species may be found in Central America’s Rio Panuco basin, where they can be found in fast-flowing freshwater streams with bank vegetation.
The color of the fish is greyish blue, with a single prominent line running down the middle of its body. Apart from that, the caudal fins have been extended to form a blue sword with black edges on either side. The species may grow to a maximum length of around 2.5 inches.
In an aquarium ecosystem, the following water parameters are preferred:
- Temperature: 24C
- DH Range: 25
- pH Level: 7.5
Xiphophorus Signum (Comma Swordtail)
X. signum is a thin fish that is recognized by a bright yellow flank on one side. Females have a noticeable mark on their caudal fin, which contributes to their scientific name (signum, which means “sign” in Latin). Males have the same color as females, with the exception of the tail protrusion, which is a somewhat deeper yellow with black margins on the males. The typical size of the fish is 3 inches in length and width.
These species of swordtails are believed to have originated in Guatemala’s Rio Chajmaic and Rio de la Pasion rivers. They love fast-flowing streams with rich vegetation as a breeding ground for them.
Water characteristics recommended in aquarium habitat:
- Temperature: 24-28 °C
- DH Range: 10-20
- pH Level: 7.2-7.8
Xiphophorus Birchmanni (Sheepshead Swordtail)

X. birchmanni was named after its discoverer, Heinz Birchmann. Their bodies are olive-green and reddish in color, with black and vertical stripes. Females have a zigzag line running along their lateral length.
TheyX. birchmanni may also be found in the fast-moving waterways of Central and Northern America. Their dimensions vary from 2.5 to 3 inches.
Water characteristics preferred in aquarium habitat:
- Temperature: 24-28 °C
- DH Range: 5-20
- pH Level: 7.2-8.2
Xiphophorus Meyeri (Marbled Swordtail)
There is a marbled pattern on Meyeris’ bodies. It’s also possible to find red and blue marbled swordtails in addition to black and white. As a result, swordtails with black or blue marbles are often referred to as black or blue marbled swordtails. They’re around 1-2 inches long.
The IUCN has declared the marbled swordtail extinct in the wild, so it can only be found in zoos. They were largely found throughout North America.
The following water parameters are preferred in aquarium habitats:
- Temperature: 23–28 °C
- DH Range: 5-20
- pH Level: 7-7.7
Video: 25 Different Types Of Swordtail Fish
Is it possible to put different breeds of swordtail in one school?
Fish like to be alone, so swordtail fish are not suited to being together. The most common reason swordtail fish are found together is the fact that they were released together. The majority of the time, they are kept in groups of at least two fish since this kind is a social one, and if left unattended, it is believed that they won’t thrive.
Can different species inbreed?
As a rule, swordtails mate with fellow swordtails. However, if the parents are genetically incompatible, their children may be born with abnormalities. For this reason, the genetic compatibility of the two individuals must be determined by the fish breeder.
Is swordtail crossbreeding possible?
Swordtail fish do not have a breeding program. If you want to experiment with alternative combinations, you may crossbreed them.

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.