Yin yang guppy fish is one of the most popular freshwater fish in aquariums. Beginner-friendly and low maintenance, this species has a lot to offer!
In this guide, we have compiled everything you need to know about taking care of guppies. Despite the fact that they’re not challenging to keep, you still have to understand their basic requirements if you want them to live long and happy lives!
Species Summary
Yin yang guppy fish is one of the most amazing fish in the aquarium community. The fish is revered for their beautiful coloration and their ability to reproduce at a rapid pace. Additionally, they are considered the purest freshwater fish in the world.
Beginners will enjoy this species. They can get along well with other animals in a community setting since they are hardy, unfussy, and don’t fuss too much.
First discovered in South America during the 1860s, the guppy is one of the oldest animals on the planet. The guppy lives all over the world. In Guyana and Brazil, the guppy is the most common. Barbados also has wild populations.
Guppy fish have been found around the world in many different places. The reason behind these ever-growing populations is not just their irresponsible owners.
Mosquitoes are often controlled with guppy fish. Considering that mosquito larvae are likely to be consumed by them, they make a cheap and reliable pest defence option without chemical pesticides. However, introducing these fish to strange environments may not always result in positive outcomes, and you should never release them into the wild by yourself.
The majority of the guppies sold today are just used as pets. New aquarists, as well as experienced aquarists, will enjoy these fish.
Look at those colorful tail fins! Although, in most cases, its body is a relatively muted color. A pointed snout and an upturned mouth give these fish a minnow-like appearance.
One of the most interesting things about guppies is their appearance.
Upon reaching the caudal fork, the branch bursts into beauty! Compared to the rest of its body, the guppy’s fin is large and fan-shaped. Although the other fins might have similar colors and a similar flow, the tailfin has more details.
Contrary to what most people think, not all guppies are the same. While most people envision guppies as having typical male appearances, this is not the case. However, this species shows quite a bit of sexual dimorphism, with quite a lot of extreme cases!
In terms of the shape of the body, both males and females display the flowing fin that defines a guppy, however, females tend to be significantly bigger than males. Compared to their male counterparts, they have a plumper appearance, and their size can grow to double that. As a consequence, the tail fin does not provide as much visual interest as it could.
As compared to the giant fins on males, this one is not as noticeable on females because their bodies are larger.
There is no limit to the colors that can be used with guppies, the sky is the limit in this case! According to some sources, there are nearly 300 varieties of guppies to choose from. Depending on the variety and the hues of the fish, there is a wide range of colors and patterns.
It is said that freshwater guppies breeders love these seeds. With their impressive spawning rate, it is fairly easy to create new color variations of these colorful fish, thanks to their prolific spawning rate.
It is widely believed that the three most popular varieties are the cobra, the tuxedo, and the snakeskin. It can be distinguished from other types of patterns by a wide range of black patterns that contrast with bursts of vibrant colors.

In general, guppies have a lifespan of only two to five years. Whether you keep a goldfish for a few months or several years is determined by how well you care for them.
A person cannot be guaranteed success, as both genetics and luck come into play in this regard. A well-maintained guppy tank, on the other hand, is ideal for allowing them to live a much longer, healthier life.
Conversely, people living in substandard conditions are more prone to disease and stress than those living in decent conditions. We are fortunate that all of us have the ability to take good care of guppy pets, and it’s a very easy thing to do.
There is no doubt that guppies are not big, which is why it is so impressive to see their flowing fins.
Average Size
Guppy fishes are generally not much bigger than two inches in length for adults. A female can reach a size of about two and a half inches in length. On the other hand, males are not likely to reach even that size.
For those of you who have smaller tanks, their small size is perfect for you. Nevertheless, as long as you keep them together in a bigger aquarium, they may feel quite comfortable in such an environment.
Tank Size
Firstly, guppy needs an aquarium that can contain all the things it needs to make it happy and healthy.
A small aquarium is sufficient for keeping guppies, as they are not very big. For an average family of three to survive comfortably, five gallons of water is sufficient. This is the amount of water needed to cover the fishes’ needs.
Our recommendation would be that a tank with a capacity of at least 10 gallons would yield better results.
The other interesting fact about these fish is that they are also fast spawners. Regardless of whether or not you decide to start with a small population, you have a good chance of watching it grow before your very eyes.
Water Parameters
It is very important to recreate the natural environment of any fish species as much as possible in order to increase their chances of survival. I must admit, however, that you don’t have too much trouble taking care of your guppy when you are in its company.
According to its name, guppy fishes are native to the warm waters of South America, as their name implies. They are capable of adapting well to a wide range of temperatures. The best environment for them to thrive in is a warm environment.
There are some interesting facts to be discovered about the guppy life cycle based on the condition of the water. The temperature causes them to mature at a slower pace in cooler weather, and they breed less frequently in cooler climates. At the same time, as a general rule, they reach adulthood faster in warmer climates.
Generally speaking, guppies can be found living near moderately flowing streams and ponds. Because of this, they usually have a very rich and diverse natural habitat, which is full of life.
I think it’s best to provide water on the harder side in order to replicate the living ecosystem and to maintain a pH balance that is neutral.
Guppies are very easy to take care of because you don’t have to be too precise in taking care of them. Despite a good test kit, it’s important to monitor the water regularly to avoid any major fluctuations; as long as you stay within these ranges, your fish should be fine.
Keeping the water temperature between 64*F and 84*F will help the fish grow stronger and have more beautiful colors. Moreover, the pH should read around 7.5 to 8.0, and the hardness should be between 8 and 12 dGH.

What To Put Inside Their Tank
Take advantage of this opportunity to be creative!
The decorative items in their tank are not important to guppies as they aren’t as picky as other tropical fish species. The natural method is always better, but these fish won’t care whether your method is natural or artificial.
In the case of a sand substrate, it is a good idea to start with a standard layer. A good option for a guppie is sand since it is fine enough that if it accidentally ingests sand, it will not result in any issues. In the event that you prefer to use large rocks or gravel instead, that choice is completely up to you.
The effect of sand on living plants might also be a factor in why you might want to use it. Guppies are fascinated by lush plants and appreciate walking through them. It shouldn’t be surprising that guppy fish are natural predators of larger fish and predatory animals in the wild.
As a means of evading capture, they prefer to hide within the leaves and grasses of plants. It is one of the most important aspects of taking good care of guppy fry to recreate a lush underwater landscape so that these fish can feel more at ease.
I am sure that you will be able to use a wide range of plant cultivars to meet your needs. Guppies enjoy Java moss, aquatic fern, and many other types of vegetation.
Alternatively, artificial silk plants may be used, but you must make sure that they are soft enough so as not to cause injury to your fish when they interact with them.
The best way to create a natural landscape is using a combination of plants in the background, the middle ground, and the foreground. Make sure that there are open spaces in the middle of the aquarium for the fish to swim in as they like to have open spaces for snaking and playing.
In addition to the plants, you can also add some artificial rocks, driftwood, and plastic decorations after you have started. Be sure to always look at every piece carefully when you insert it into the garden. In order to prevent your fish’s fins from being ripped, don’t buy any items with sharp or jagged edges.
It is important to keep things as natural as possible when it comes to lighting! Guppies have no strict requirements regarding lighting as far as they are concerned. The cycle of day and night does, however, need to be maintained for them. It is recommended that aquarium lights are set on a timer or the tank be near a window for natural lighting.
In case you live in a particularly cold climate, you might want to consider investing in a submersible heater. In order to avoid shocks resulting from rapidly fluctuating temperatures, heaters can ensure a constant temperature range, avoiding reactions that could harm your fish.
An effective filtration system should also be invested in. Experienced guppy owners will tell you a filtration system isn’t necessary. Nonetheless, using one helps prevent a noticeable rise in ammonia and nitrate levels.
Guppy waste is not colossal, and they still create waste. Large communities have a greater chance of souring their tank due to waste production. Having a filter that can cycle the water a few times per hour will keep things stable over time.
Common Possible Diseases

A guppie, or a betta, is a little creature that can live in a wide variety of circumstances and makes for an easy pet to care for. On the other hand, they are susceptible to a variety of illnesses as well.
This species of freshwater fish has a number of health concerns. In addition to bacterial infections, fungal problems, and parasitic infestations, tropical fish in captivity can also suffer these problems. Because aquariums are enclosed, diseases can easily spread.
In the event that the conditions are mediocre, this is especially true. There are conditions in which the fish are subjected to undue stress, which causes the immune system to be challenged and makes them more likely to contract diseases.
I think it is fair to say that Ich is one of the most common ailments caused by stress. Symptoms of ich are small white spots that appear all over the body as a result of a parasitic infection. In spite of the fact that Ich might seem benign at first glance, if you do not provide any treatment, a fish will rapidly be killed.
Ich is also highly contagious, which makes matters worse. All of your fish are at risk as it spreads throughout the cycled environment. The fish should be quarantined and treated as soon as the dots appear.
It is possible for guppies to develop fungal or bacterial infections that cause their fins to rot. Before sloughing off completely, those precious flowing fins can begin to decay. In addition to impacting the beauty of your guppies, this condition also makes them less swimmingly.
Ideally, the best way to deal with fin rot, Ich, and all other severe diseases is to avoid them at all costs.
As a means of achieving this, you must monitor the condition of the tank regularly. Partially change your aquarium’s water every few weeks to prevent ammonia concentrations from rising and to prevent significant chemistry changes that could harm your fish.
Food & Diet
Guppy care is easy as pie when it comes to food! Aquatic omnivores, these freshwater fish eat whatever they can get their mouth on.
They are natural foragers and search for detritus and small bits of food in the water. Mosquito larvae and other insects are a favorite feast for these fish.
If you’re keeping your pet in captivity, provide a balanced diet with a bit of variety. High-quality flakes or pellets should be the main food source. The dietary needs of tropical fish are met by commercial food.
In addition to providing high-protein snacks every so often, many people also provide bites like bloodworms, shrimp, and mosquito larvae as snacks. Depending on your preference, these types of foods can be served frozen, freeze-dried, or live.
Guppies are often given too much food by fish keepers. This is where the biggest problem lies. Guppy fish may be tiny, but if they are offered the chance, they will indulge.
Ensure that you follow a regular feeding schedule. Make sure they get two meals a day. Only give your fish enough food to consume in one minute.
It’s no secret that guppies are smart! Once they learn the routine, they will show a certain amount of excitement when you approach them. You can develop a bond between you and your pet in this way, making ownership even more enjoyable.
Behaviour & Temperament
Peaceful and easygoing, guppy fish thrive in peaceful environments. There may be times when you see fin-nipping, an indication of an aggressive swimming nature. It is easy for them to reach the fins of slow-moving creatures.
With a little bit of planning ahead, that’s a problem you can easily solve.
There won’t be a lot of problems with guppies. Having a community fish and getting along with like-minded species is easy.
These animals are social by nature and like to get along and explore the tank as a group. They are not strictly schooling animals, however. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you see a wolf relaxing in a plant.
Video About The Yin Yang Guppy Fish
What are yin yang guppies?
Generally named after the color of their tails, tail shape, and body color, these fish have been bred for a variety of colors, patterns, and fin shapes. Guppies from the Yin Yang family stand out for their contrast between pure white and deep black.
What is the lifespan of guppy fish?
The lifespan of wild guppies varies greatly but is usually between 2 and 3 years. Different populations of guppies display such life-history characteristics, indicating at least two different evolutionary forces at play.
How can I make my guppies live longer?
To extend the life of your guppies, keep their stress level at a minimum. A good lighting scheme is essential, as well as maintaining control over the water parameters and the water temperatures. Regular feedings are also important, as is not overcrowding the tank.
Final Words
Once you have done your preliminary research on how to care for your guppy, you’ll find that it is fairly simple. There is no hassle involved with keeping these colorful freshwater fish and you should not have problems taking care of them.
The needs of these fish are very basic, so if you take care of them, they will be very happy indeed

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.